Latest Past Events
RYE Winter Conference
The Plaza Hotel, Wausau, WIThe RYE Winter Conference will be held Feb. 23-25 for all Inbound, Outbound, Rebound and Rotex students, Outbound parents, and RYE Officers. This is a mandatory Outbound and Parent(s) conference. Location: The Plaza Hotel in Wausau, Wisconsin. This conference starts at 1 p.m. on Friday, and concludes on Sunday morning.
Love is International Inbound Conference
This annual Inbound Conference is sponsored by the Wausau Early Birds Club and the Wausau Rotary Club, who generously host our Inbound students for a weekend of winter fun. The conference begins at 11 a.m. on Friday morning, and after a welcome and lunch, students will visit with local foreign language classes at area high […]
Inbound Orientation Conference
The 2017 Inbound students will be welcomed to District 6220 at the Inbound Orientation Conference on August 18-19-20 in beautiful Marquette, Michigan, on the southern shores of Lake Superior, the world's largest freshwater lake. This Inbound Conference is hosted by the three Rotary clubs in Marquette -- Marquette Breakfast, Marquette Noon, and Marquette West. Inbounds […]