Inbound Travel Rules

Inbound students in the Rotary Youth Exchange program appreciate the opportunities for travel in the region and across the country, but District 6220 has specific policies in place concerning student travel. We encourage travel opportunities for our students with their host parents, Rotary club members and others, but there are specific rules that must be followed:

Generally, this policy states:

  1. Travel within District 6220 boundaries can be approved by the Rotary Youth Exchange officer, but drivers must be 25 years of age or older. Travel close to home can be with friends or family members who are legally licensed drivers of any age.
  2. Requests for travel outside of District 6220 boundaries must be made by the Rotary Youth Exchange officer through the District 6220 Inbound Coordinator. Students may NOT travel in vehicles driven by persons under the age of 25 year.
  3. Students will not make their own travel arrangements without the permission of their Host Family and Rotary Youth Exchange officer, and then by  the District Inbound Coordinator.
  4. Overnight visits may require background checks. Please check with your Rotary Youth Exchange officer for details.
  5. School sponsored trips (sports, choir, FFA, etc.) where transportation is provided by the school is permitted, regardless of destination.
  6. Unaccompanied travel by the Inbound student (to visit relatives in the USA) is permitted with permission as detailed in the Inbound Unaccompanied (Independent) Travel Policy, which requires written permission by the student’s natural parents, host parents, Rotary Youth Exchange officer, and District Inbound Coordinator. Do not make independent travel arrangements without prior approval.