2018 Winter RYE Conference – February 23 to 25, 2018
Arrival Friday, February 23
- 1 – 1:30 PM Registration;
- 1:30 Opening Session
Departure: Sunday, February 25 11:15 AM
- The Plaza Hotel and Suites
- 201 N 17th Avenue
- Wausau, WI 54401
- 715-845-5773
- Click here for map
The February conference focuses on preparing our Outbounds for adapting to a new culture. Inbounds, Rebounds and Rotex will lead sessions on social customs and expectations for their geographical areas. A representative from the travel agency used by the district will be there to provide important information on travel, tickets and visas.
Variety Show: All Students – there will be a Variety Show on Saturday evening. Please consider a talent you can share with all of us! You can include your talent on your registration or email Sandy later with your plan.
Registration: Required for everyone –on Home or Conference Page
Registration Deadline: Feb 8th
Hotel rooms – Arranged by conference registrar with your registration
Parents – Saturday night is business casual (no jeans)
If your spouse is not attending the conference and you might be willing to share a room with another parent (same sex, 2 beds) please note that on your registration under remarks. Saved funds go back into our program to help RYE 6220 students.
Students Should Bring:
- Student Variety Show needs (costumes, instruments, CD music, etc)
- Swim suit – will have time to swim or hot tub
- Business Casual for Saturday dinner (no jeans)
- Inbounds, Rebound/Rotex – blazer for Saturday dinner
- Outbounds – BRING your new blazer
Cost –
Inbounds: Covered
Outbounds: Covered under your Financial Agreement –Third payment ($2500) due by conference. Check, Money Order, or charge card (see Financial Agreement)– NO CASH
Outbound Parents: 2 parents/one room covered for Friday and Saturday nights; $82/night – if additional room needed; $68.00/sibling – includes meals
Rebounds/Rotex: $80.00 Includes meals and 2 nights at the hotel, $50 for Saturday/Sunday only
RYEO/Counselors: $35.00 Saturday training – includes lunch
$25.00 Friday night dinner
$25.00 Saturday night dinner
$82.00 Friday night hotel
$82.00 Saturday night hotel
$18.00 Spouse Saturday lunch
$25.00 Spouse Saturday dinner
Conference fees and Commitment fees should be made
Payable to “District 6220 RYE Program”
And sent to
Sandy Testin
218 E Lake St
Waupaca, WI 54981
Outbound Third Commitment fee (See Parent Financial Agreement)- plus any additional conference fees (i.e. siblings, additional hotel) can be sent to above address or brought to the conference. IF you have not yet sent in receipts for blazer and books you can include those and deduct from your February payment
Direct questions about the conference to
Sandy Testin – RYE 6220 Conference Registrar